Saturday, March 11, 2006

Here is a picture of Emma at Grammy's house. She thought she was so big pulling her backpack along!

Let's see how long until I fizzle out!

I have the tendency to start out with the best intentions and all of a sudden, it is out the window. I am really going to try and keep this updated, atleast weekly, so that I can feel like I am a part of the world. Currently, I am not a social person! Between, real estate, Emma, Thomas and this house I am pulled so many different ways. I am hoping that this will keep me in touch with all of you!

Well, as many of you know I am now a stay-at-home mom/Realtor/Wife etc... You know how that goes. But, I am loving the stay at home mom job. I can not believe how fast time goes by and how quickly children grow. Emma turned 1 on the March 2nd. It does not seem like it has been a year ago that we had her! She is walking extremely well and trying to run. She knows body parts, mama, dada, can identify the deer, bobcat and pig and many more wonderful things. She has hazel eyes and light brown hair and 4 little teeth.

Thomas is doing well. He is going to start Lake patrol part time this Spring and is looking forward to getting started. He will still be patrolling on the road but is really excited to get this new job started. He is sad b/c there is not as much time to hunt & fish like he likes to do, but over all he is doing great.

That is my life's update for time. I am so tired so I will go to bed and write again soon with more delicious information!
Love to you all!