Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thank goodness for friends!

Chrissy kept Emma while I went to work today, YEAH! What a life saver. I couldn't get anyone to take my floor time, so I asked Chrissy if she would mind keeping Emma for me. Mind you, Chrissy has two children of her own ages 3 & 10 months. So, Thank you sooo much for helping me! Here are some pictures from her day with the Standifer's. Emma absoulutely loves Madelyn, she says "Madelyn is my best friend", it is so cute! Hope you are all having a great day!

Monday, August 13, 2007

What a nice weekend

Ove the 4th of July holiday we were all really sick, so this weekend we grilled out and let Emma do some fire crackers. She loved it! Here are some pics of her holding some sparklers. Too cute!
What a good Monday!
We have had the nicest day, no stress or work to have to worry about today! I called Melissa & Chrissy and we took the kids to my Aunt's pool today. The kids loved it and Emma even went down the big pool slide! We ran and got some lunch and went to Melissa's to eat and visit for a little while. I love nice relaxing days like this! Hope that you all had just as nice a day!
Weight update: I guess that my weight fluctuation shouldn't be such a frustration to me I was 4 pounds heavier yesterday than today. I am going to get a better scale too. I can get on it and it will not say the same thing twice in the same 5 minutes, AAAAA! I am trying though, just had cerael for dinner tonight!!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I am finally posting a new blog. It has been a year since I have even been on this blogspot! I made a few updates and put some new pics on of Emma. It has been such a nice summer this year! It is just now getting into the triple digits and we have taken advantage of that by going to the pool the past couple of weekends. Emma is such an outdoorsy girl. It is very hard to keep her in when it is so hot outside. Last night we were at Chrissy's house and her and Madelyn got to play in the water sprinkler. I remember doing that when I was little and it doesn't seem like it was that long ago when Heather and I use to do that! Where does the time go?
Speaking of time I am going to be 30 on my next birthday in February. So, my goal is to lose 10 lbs by my 30th birthday. I will let you all know how that is going! We got a bowflex in the front bedroom of our house and it is soooo handy being able to come in here and work out when ever you like. I have to figure out all of the workouts but once I get this figured out I will be a buff babe!