Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thank goodness for friends!

Chrissy kept Emma while I went to work today, YEAH! What a life saver. I couldn't get anyone to take my floor time, so I asked Chrissy if she would mind keeping Emma for me. Mind you, Chrissy has two children of her own ages 3 & 10 months. So, Thank you sooo much for helping me! Here are some pictures from her day with the Standifer's. Emma absoulutely loves Madelyn, she says "Madelyn is my best friend", it is so cute! Hope you are all having a great day!


JustALittleBit_Me said...

I love the updates! Thanks for sharing your blog with us!

Jen said...

Wow, I can't believe you have a blog and you're just now telling me about it!!
Emma is such a DOLL!

Jen said...

hello? are you still alive there in blogland? he he
Time for a new post!!
Luv n miss ya'll!